• Deep Learning- It works in practice, but does it work in theory?

    There is a big gap between theoretical and applied research progress for deep learning. This is a deviation from past trends in ML, such as kernel methods, which has deep roots in theory, and has enjoyed interest from both practitioners and theoreticians.

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  • Uninformative priors say something informative about the posterior predictions

    I took a class in Bayesian statistics in year two of graduate school. I wouldn't call myself a Bayesian -- as an industry practitioner, I take the "whatever works" approach. It's done me a lot of good to have a broad toolset, pulling out one tool or another based on what I think is best for the business problem at hand. This tends to be the attitude in ML research, but statistics can still be pretty clan-ny with various "Bayesian" societies and affiliations.

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  • Spurious correlation, unit roots and cointegration

    I learned about the spurious regression problem during a course at the Booth school of business. It’s well known among econometricians because it is in the classic text by Hamilton but I don’t think it’s known more widely.

    A first-order measure of association between two variables \(x,y\) is their correlation. Equivalently, we can fit a univariate linear regression to the data:

    \[ y = \alpha + \beta x \]

    If we have \(N\) observations that are independent, given a couple mild assumptions, we get a CLT:

    \[ \sqrt{N}(\hat{\beta}-\beta) \rightarrow N(0,\sigma_{y\mid x}^2/\sigma_x^2), \]

    where \(\sigma_x^2 = \text{var}( x)\) and \(\sigma_{y\mid x}^2 = \text{var}( y-\alpha-\beta x)\).

    We can test for association (\(\beta \not = 0\)) using a standard F-test.

    The independent observation assumption is crucial. Without it, you can get very surprising and unusual behavior.

    Consider observations of pairs \(x_t,y_t\), which are generated from random walks:

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